Berzerk Studio
Uses both artwork and styled text. Artwork is of a barbarian style helmet. "Berzerk" enlarges the Z to split Ber and erk, along with the word studio written on the Z itself. White and black colours are occasionally inverted in variations of the logo. The focus points are as follows - helmet, "Berzerk" and finally "Studio". All upper case.
Blizzard Entertainment
"Blizzard" uses styled text and has an icy blue colour and has jagged edges to give the effect of ice. In addition, "IZ" is placed on top of an enlarged L, the left side of "A" is on top of the second larger "Z" and overall most of the logo appears to have formed via cracks in the ice."Entertainment" uses a plain font design, which helps "Blizzard" to pop out. All upper case.
Dice (EA Digital Illusions CE)
Styled text which is composed of straight lines. The left part of D is missing and therefore looks like a reversed C - this was done not only for aesthetic reasons but to avoid confusion between the letters D and O. Whilst there would have been confusion if the left part of E was left in the logo, it was most likely done just for aesthetic purposes. All upper case.
Naughty Dog
Uses a standard bold font - black for "Naughty" and white for "Dog", with contrasting colour backgrounds. Core focus of this logo is the signature paw, with 2 of the claws slightly overlapping the "Y". This simple yet effective addition to the logo lets the consumer think of the red paw when talking about Naughty Dog. All upper case.
Ndemic Creations
Simple font - "Ndemic" in red, "Creations" is a smaller size in black. Logo seems to be based on their sole game Plague Inc. and has the appearance of a plague-like cloud with a 3d effect. All upper case.
Quantic Dream
Uses a very basic font. The only noticeable aspect of this logo is that the "c" overlaps the "d" slightly. The colour of "quantic" is grey whilst "dream" is cream. All lower case.
The Behemoth
The picture appears to be a "behemoth" chicken, which ties in with the title of this game development company. Interestingly, they have "the" in lower case but "BEHEMOTH" in upper case - this again links with the picture of the chicken being large and dwarfs "the" in comparison.